Škola s tradíciou a výsledkami

  • Jazyková škola Gymnázia sv. Tomáša Akvinského pripravuje žiakov, študentov  a  dospelých už štrnásť rokov. 
  • Zameriava sa na výučbu a zdokonaľovanie sa v cudzích jazykoch, predovšetkým        v anglickom, talianskom, nemeckom, ale aj ruskom jazyku. 
  • Výučbu zabezpečujú slovenskí a zahraniční lektori, ktorí sú zárukou odbornosti, profesionality a individuálneho prístupu. Ich študenti už veľakrát úspešne absolvovali medzinárodne platné certifikáty. 
  • Výučba prebieha v priateľskom prostredí s využitím najnovších poznatkov                  a dostupných moderných technológií. 

História a úspechy

História prípravných kurzov na Cambridge skúšky sa začala písať v 2. polroku šk.roka 2009/2010, keď sa na ne začala pripravovať skupinka študentov z vtedajšej 3D triedy. Prípravu zvládli expresnou rýchlosťou a v júni 2010 už zložili Cambridge skúšky na úrovni B2. Medzi týchto prvých statočných a zároveň aj všetkých úspešných držiteľov First Cambridge certifikátov patria: Peter Amrich, Robert Šrotýř, Rastislav Hura, Maria Jureková, Patrik Puchala, Barbora Šimková, Jan Dulovič, Filip Nagy.

Záujem o Cambridge kurzy pretrvával a v šk. roku 2010/2011 sa vytvorili 2 skupinky: skupinka na úrovni B2 a skupinka tých s ešte vyššími ambíciami, ktorí sa začali pripravovať na dosiahnutie úrovne C1. Z počiatočných desiatich študentov skupiny C1 nakoniec k skúškam pristúpilo v dvoch termínoch, marcovom a júnovom, 6 študentov 3. a 4. ročníka, menovite: Dana Fodorová, Lucia Beňová, Michal Fronc, Richard Roško, Eva Smolejová, Peter Fabian. Všetci študenti skúšku úspešne absolvovali a stali sa držiteľmi Cambridge Certificate in Advanced English.

Skupinu FCE B2 tvorili študenti 3.ročníka, ktorí si už takýmto spôsobom chceli zabezpečiť náhradu za maturitu z angličtiny. Boli to títo študenti: Simona Trembecká, Barbora Jakubová, Zuzana Juhasová, Ivana Ďurčová, Jan Sýkora, David Franko, Martin Lenko. Aj títo študenti, podobne ako všetci ich predchodcovia, potvrdili 100% úspešnosť pri skúškach a stali sa držiteľmi certifikátov. 


Vaše postrehy

Rastislav Hura

I am sure that most of you know that speaking foreign language, especially English, is essential supposing you want to travel, meet new friends, and finally, find a satisfying job. Basically, being good at English is almost taken for granted today. It will soon become a part of our literacy. Therefore, learning English is compulsory for all schools providing secondary education. All students attend standard lessons, where they usually get certain knowledge of all aspects of language like speaking, writing and listening.
But if you long for the education of higher quality, which is quite a required nowadays, choose FCE or even CAE if you believe in your abilities and are ready to work hard. Maybe you are wondering why you should be interested in language courses provided by Cambridge.
Now, let me pick out several reasons why these courses are worth enrolling. Firstly, Cambridge has a long-lasting tradition and certificates you can obtain are recognized all over the world. Lessons are interesting, full of discussions and conversations, unlike ordinary, mostly grammar-focused lessons. Student´s books contain interesting topics, useful vocabulary are tons of worthwhile practice. Besides, you will experience moments of great fun and amusement. Last but not least, amount of money you put into that is a great source of motivation to keep studying.
Finally, I encourage all the brave ones to make a good decision of signing up. I wish to all of you good preparation and successful results. 

Lucia Beňová

...so I thought that you, as a person keen on writing, wouldn't mind to jot down couple of sentences
It's like, "C'mon, who talks like that?"
Nowadays, it is not unusual that someone has an English certificate. Toefl, FCE, City and Guild,....,. But If you want to stick out from the crowd, Certificate in Advanced English (CAE) is the right one for you. You will have to raise your bar, give up on some leisure time, and most important, start thinking (and even dreaming) in English. If there is any English rule, trust me, there must be a hundreds of exceptions to it, and that's what you will learn in this CAE course. You will extend your vocabulary just by completing your homework, sitting in classroom will guarantee you tons of fun and new friends, and your English teacher will be always on hand to help you. And that feeling, after hours and hours of cramming for the exam, when you receive your results with a passing grade is invincible. And don't forget, employers are looking for skills not for grades and CAE will definitely look good on your resume! 

B2 group 2010/2011

The second preparation course for Cambridge FCE certificate was launched in the last school year 2010/2011 under the leadership of Ms. Čechová.
Firstly, we'd like to emphasize, that knowing English is an essential ability of a modern person. Mastering the language may not be as easy as it seems, but it provides a learner with big advantages. That was the main reason of our effort.
What's more, the certificate replaces Maturita exam in the English language. It is internationally recognized, as well as it is often required for admission to employment.
When we decided to face this challenge, the preparation started. It was demanding, but at the same time satisfactory. The lessons were held in our school at intervals of three hours per week during which we concentrated on each part of the exam using the course books, taking tests, writing essays and doing conversations. Even after the first month we could see a visible progress in the level of our English.
All of us succeeded, which is an undeniable proof of the quality of the course and the leader. 

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